Tata Motors has unveiled ‘MegaPixel’ concept micro car at the ongoing 82nd Geneva Motor Show. According to a Tata Motors spokesperson, the ‘MegaPixel’ is the result of the progress the company has made on the Pixel microcar which was unveiled last year.
The MegaPixel is driven by four independent electric motors mounted on each wheel which is powered by a 13kWh lithium-ion phosphate battery pack giving the car an all electric range of 86 km. The batteries are charged using an induction charging system that is you need to park the car just below the induction charging unit and the car battery gets charged. In case the battery power gets exhausted, a 30 Bhp 325cc single cylinder petrol engine kicks in to extend the range up to over 900 km. The car can reach a maximum speed of 110 Kmph.
The MegaPixel is driven by four independent electric motors mounted on each wheel which is powered by a 13kWh lithium-ion phosphate battery pack giving the car an all electric range of 86 km. The batteries are charged using an induction charging system that is you need to park the car just below the induction charging unit and the car battery gets charged. In case the battery power gets exhausted, a 30 Bhp 325cc single cylinder petrol engine kicks in to extend the range up to over 900 km. The car can reach a maximum speed of 110 Kmph.